It's Our Turn

Series: Romans

Speaker: James Shiroma

September 27, 2020
Romans 16:1-16

James Shiroma

Lead Pastor

Sermon Notes

You can add your own personal sermon notes as you watch and listen to the sermon. When you're finished, you'll be able to email or download your notes. Also, follow-up questions are included for review and application.

Follow Along with the Message

Sermon title: "It's our Turn"
Passage: Romans 16:1-16

Mini-Gathering questions
1. Read Romans 16:1-16
2. Why do you think it was significant for Paul to mention these names in Romans 16:1-16? What is the significance of these names?
3. How do these names represent how the church in Rome came together to fulfill Jesus' command to make disciples of all nations?
4. Please share the relationship between this passage and the life of our church, The Gathering.
5. Share how we can individually remain faithful in serving Jesus through The Gathering.
6. How can the challenges of COVID-19 and 2020 serve as opportunities for Christians and all churches?
7. How can you respond to the call of Jesus today?

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